Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Okay!! Way Too Much Deja Vu...I'M A WIZARD!!

So I COULD be wrong but I'm PRETTY sure we did this already....Or were we picking favorite animals? You know, I don't honestly remember! Ha ha! Well anyhow, there's an animal that would be cool to morph into.

A black tiger. Okay, so black tiger's are part myth and part reality. Not a lot of them ever existed and there isn't much evidence to their existence. They look like panthers, but they're HUGE, much larger than lions and regular tigers. Plus, they have deep black stripes that show up on their hides when they move, hence how they are still tigers. According to the rumors, black tigers are giant cats larger than any other known species of cat, with huge claws and teeth and speed possibly faster than a cheetah. Like jaguars, they are a species of cats that can and loves to swim. Like panthers, they climb trees and travel in treetops. But like cheetahs, they run super fast on the ground as well. Their night vision is amazing and their hunting skills superb! They are the ultimate hunters in my opinion! Plus, they look so graceful while moving!

So yeah! If I could, I would morph into a black tiger.

Buh-Bye now!

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