Thursday, June 30, 2016


So if I was cursed to eat only one food for the rest of my life, I would choose to eat my favorite food of all. The food that I consider to be the best and most versatile fruit in the world! Juice, pie, sliced, diced, parfait, souffle, tart, pull-over, fried, baked, caramelized, and even just by itself! Yes! I am talking about the gods of fruit! Apples!!!! APPLES!!!!!!!!!!! RINGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love apples! They are my favorite food! Anything apple, I will eat. Anything at all! I don't think I've ever turned down something apple unless I was appled-out. And that is a very rare occurrence! Plus, if I could eat apples for the rest of my life, I could have full-on meals!!!!! Juice, cold snacks, tasty treats, dinners, creative lunches, I could eat full meals and desserts!! And still be healthy if paired with a consistent amount of water. Either way, I would definitely choose apples for my forever-food.

Well, this is the last blog, so I'll have to sign off now. KAGAMINE LEN IS THE MOST AMAZING SINGER EVER!!!!!!! AND 96NEKO IS RIGHT ON PAR WITH HIM!!!! SO THERE!!!!!!!!! I hope you all have wonderful times at whatever may occur to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Okay!! Way Too Much Deja Vu...I'M A WIZARD!!

So I COULD be wrong but I'm PRETTY sure we did this already....Or were we picking favorite animals? You know, I don't honestly remember! Ha ha! Well anyhow, there's an animal that would be cool to morph into.

A black tiger. Okay, so black tiger's are part myth and part reality. Not a lot of them ever existed and there isn't much evidence to their existence. They look like panthers, but they're HUGE, much larger than lions and regular tigers. Plus, they have deep black stripes that show up on their hides when they move, hence how they are still tigers. According to the rumors, black tigers are giant cats larger than any other known species of cat, with huge claws and teeth and speed possibly faster than a cheetah. Like jaguars, they are a species of cats that can and loves to swim. Like panthers, they climb trees and travel in treetops. But like cheetahs, they run super fast on the ground as well. Their night vision is amazing and their hunting skills superb! They are the ultimate hunters in my opinion! Plus, they look so graceful while moving!

So yeah! If I could, I would morph into a black tiger.

Buh-Bye now!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

This is very familiar.....

So we already did this one about having super powers. It was in I think about the first week. I wanted to be made of rubber. Remember? Of course you don't! That would be really weird if you did actually.....

ANYWAY, I want to be a rubber person. I guess I'll talk about my SECOND power that I would want. Which is OBVOUSLY to fly!!!!!!!!! I mentioned it before in the last entry of this super power question. I want to be able to fly but in a VERY SPECIFIC WAY!!!

I want to be able to fly by yelling.......

FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to have fire powers and one of them to engulf myself in flames and fly around like a crazy person!!! Yep yep!!!!! Fire powers, here I come!!!!

Now imagine if I was rubber AND had fire powers......

BUH-BYE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

I MOLD WITH MY MIND.....And we're molding! We're Molding.....we're molding....we're molding....done!!!.....What is this thing?

Okay, so I'm taking this lump of clay inside my mind and molding it into something else. I'll give you this full narration of it. So...I'm basically shaping and forming and changing and blabbing all the while and continuing in a much longer rant than before...more and more all the time....just misspelled some words there. Thank you auto-correct. Let's see....still going....getting a little more delicate now.....and a little more delicate....a little more.....GOT IT!!!!!!

I formed a tree in the middle of a rose. Just one rose blossom and in it's center, there is a growing tree. I think it's an oak tree. It's a pretty large tree. At any rate, both the rose and the tree are pure gold, and the rose is shaded with teal and cerulean mixed colors, opalescent and translucent shading along the tips of the petals. The tree is pure gold and shaded by lines of bright yellow. Tips of emerald-green are topping the leaves of the tree and the whole thing kinda glows. And SOMEHOW this magical metal statue came out of clay, was baked, then painted (actually we kinda skipped the pain part. It was born this way.), and it managed to make itself made of metal and gems. It. Is. Beautiful.


Friday, June 24, 2016


I cannot tell a lie. That in itself is a lie. Kay, I can't tell a joke off the bat. I don't have stand-alone jokes, I tell funny stories. SO HERE IS ONE OF MY BEST STORIES FROM THE PAST, BROUGHT TO YOU LIVE AND UNCUT!!!!!!!!! AS MENTIONED IN THE LAST POST, HERE IS THE GREAT MASTERPIECE OF MY MIDDLE SCHOOL MIND!!!!!!!!

                                                     "The Genius Who Floats in Space"

So. Here I am. Floating in space. Yeah, I'm a real genius. Oh sure I created a machine that could transport human beings to space. But did it occur to the organic hard drive in my head to make sure I could get back? Gasp. Indeed I did not! Yeah, I'm smart. Sigh. Well here I am alone in space with my keyboard. Funny how I have the thing in my hands that created the program that brought me here, but I have absolutely no control over it to get back. Real ironic. I'm tempted to throw it away from me and watch it float through this timeless abyss of space. But that would just be another one of my rashly brilliant ideas. One of the ones that got me stranded here. No I need to hold onto it. For now. Until I can find some way to get back to earth. Until then, I'll just clutch my useless keyboard to my uselessly floating body and wait. And pray no aliens come to eat me.

Hershey's Chocolate bar. Yeah I think I like those. Milk Chocolate. Okie-day, then! Buh-bye!

I'm a Genius......Lost in Space.....Again.....

Today we revisititied some of my old blog pasts from a lon time agao.

We found something from a time that I wrote in middle school and it was super hilarious. I couldn't stop tauhing with my friend Emma about the blog prompot that I wrote as my middle school self. Isn't my grammar and spelling just so great today? I warned you last time. SO anyhow, if I could go anywhere in time and so on and so forth, I would go to Ireland in the time of my great great great grandfather. I would want to meet him there. It's because he was just such a acool dude and I want to eet him more than anyone eks.e He carried the family on his cbac for so long it was ridiculous. I want to meet him, so bad it's rdiculou.s Now I can't even look at the screen its so horrible but REMEMBER THIS!!! AUTO CORRECT IS HELPING A BIT!!!!! IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE!!!

Anywhere, that's where I would go if I could go anywhere. Ireland is mbeautifula dn magical. That would be te  est plavce for me to go. I love my own spelling. Dont' you?


Wednesday, June 22, 2016


If I was to be a Disney character............geez, you love to pick the hardest questions ever. I have so many favorites that I just wouldn't be able to pick. IT IS WAY TOO HARD!!!!!! HOW CAN I PICK THIS?!?!?!?!

Okay, so I'm thinking........ I'm probably picking someone who's similar to me alrea-OH MY GOD I KNOW EXACTLY WHO I WOULD BE!!!!!

Okay, so this guy was my childhood idol! I loved this movie as a child and I watched it nonstop. I couldn't get enough of it. I read the book, the classic, saw all variations of it in movies, and I adore the main character. When I was little, I used to dream about meeting this guy or going to his home and living there with him. So it only seems natural that I pick him. Hint, hint, wink, wink, his address is second star to the right and straight on til morning!


Peter Pan is my childhood hero!!!! A boy who defied everything, lived life to the fullest every day, made every day a total adventure, went on his own, traveling all over this magical island, having adventures every day, surrounded by magic and great adventuring friends, and never growing old!!!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!! I would be that adventuring, pranking, fun-loving, never-aging boy if I could! When I was young, I wanted to be him. It's only natural that I pick him now! I mean, come on!!!!!!! IT'S PETER PAN!!!!!!!

So yeah, flying and fighting and adventuring and cheering and playing and exploring and surrounded by magic all day long for every day of all my life!!!!!!!!!! I would totally be Peter Pan!!!!!!!!! And plus I would be friends with so many amazing creatures like a sassy fairy named Tinker Bell and 7 adventuring boys and a tribe of Indians and so many others!!! And I could flirt with mermaids, like, who else can do that? Ha ha. Also, I could finally play the pan flute and the pipes. Man, have I been meaning to learn that for so long now. And I could crow like a rooster and not many people can do that either!!!! So I would love being Peter Pan!!!!! He is my choice for now and forever!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!

Oh, by the way in my next post, I'm just going to give up on correcting my grammar and spelling. If I make a mistake I will leave it. JUST A HEADS-UP!!!!!